Scottish Climate Intelligence Service

22 January 2025

The Scottish Government Improvement Service newsletter to community councils draws attention to the setting up of the Scottish Climate Intelligence Service, a body apparently intended to collect and disseminate information about climate change, and to provide advice and assistance to local councils and other bodies about taking appropriate action to mitigate its effects.  The wording on its website does not inspire confidence that it will be able to generate much positive action.

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS) works with all of Scotland’s local authorities to help deliver climate action at the scale and pace needed to deliver Scotland's Climate Change Plan.

We also know that climate change is not just about emissions, and that understanding and delivering the wider benefits of climate action, notably for adaptation, nature, health and inequality, are vital to society and critical to net zero delivery.

Our service is building capacity within local authorities. By working within and across local authorities, we support collaboration and help to share skills, knowledge, insights and common approaches which support and accelerate effective local climate action.

Collaboration with a Swedish technology company has provided  'a shared data platform to support capacity building and implementation of climate action'.  The website promises that  'Our data platform has a public interface which allows anyone to see the current emissions profile of a local authority area, the measures and actions which will be needed to bring those emissions to net zero, and some of the progress being made',  but we could not find how to access this information

The 'Meet the team' menu item lists a staff of sixteen.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.