Thomasina Miers' response to Monbiot

One of our recent feature articles was a preview by George Monbiot of his book 'Regenesis', the main argument of which is that in order to 'feed the world without devouring the planet',  we must give up livestock farming entirely, and rely for the protein content of our diet on an industrial process of bacterial fermentation fuelled by oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.


In a recent Guardian article restaurateur and food writer Thomasina Miers agrees with Monbiot that we must eat less meat, but  disagrees as to the solutions we need to '. .change our farming and food systems', and makes the case for small-scale 'regenerative' mixed farming in which livestock would play a significant part.

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.