Rob Hopkins visits Transition London April 23

The recent Transition Together ‘Transform Our Future’ regional gathering in London was a delightful affirmation of the power of community activism  -  Rob Hopkins.

During the Transition gathering timed to coincide with the XR 'The Big One' demonstrations and the celebration of Earth Day on 22 April 2023, Rob Hopkins, joint founder of the Transition movement in 2006 in Totnes, Devon, made an extended four-day tour of Transition and kindred groups in London.  He found an amazing variety of enthusiastic local groups running community gardens, local food schemes, repair cafes, reuse and swap shops, conservation projects and more, and shared numerous healthy communal meals.

This is what he wrote about the groups and individuals he met and the work they are doing.

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.