Johan Rockstrom

Interview with Johan Rockstrom

The Observer   29 May 2021   Jonathan Watts

Johan Rockström is one of the world’s most influential Earth scientists.  As director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, he advises governments, corporations and activists, including his Swedish compatriot, Greta Thunberg, about the latest research on the climate and biodiversity and argues for better science communication.  Last year, he co-edited Standing Up for a Sustainable World, a book that brought together essays from climatologists, economists, environmental defenders, financiers and school strike activists.  In recent months, he has teamed up with David Attenborough to create  a new Netflix series, Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet, participated in President Joe Biden’s climate summit and co-organised a declaration by more than 100 Nobel laureates.

Read the full interview


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