TBI AGM, food swap and HCWP composting workshop

21 October 2023, Starts: 10:00, Ends: 14:30

Saturday 21 October  10.00 for 10.15                              Rosemarkie Beach Cafe

AGM, food swap and composting workshop

We are having a big day out in the marquee at the Rosemarkie Beach Café on 21st October, with our AGM and a local food swap-shop in the morning, then in the afternoon we have a free composting workshop, run in conjunction with Highland Good Food Partnership.

The AGM will be at 10.00am for 10.15am, and we’ll aim to keep it quite short, with a focus on the things we’ve been doing recently.

Then we’ll set up the food swap – bring along anything you have produced too much of, and see what you can take away – or if there’s something you’re particularly proud of, bring it along and share the story. We’re thinking along the lines of apples in exchange for jam, interesting ferments, maybe monster squashes – and don’t worry if you haven’t got anything to bring, there should be plenty to go round.

Lunch of soup and a sandwich will be provided by the Beach Café, and for those who stay on for the composting workshop, that will start at 12.45 – but numbers for the workshop are limited, and booking is essential.

Some of the papers for the AGM can be seen on our website and via the links below:

Looking forward to seeing lots of you on 21st,
and hopefully we’ll have one or two new trustees to elect then too! 

More information and booking  for the composting workshop.

After the event . .

AGM and food swap report

Around fourteen people braved the weather to attend the TBI AGM and food swap at Rosemarkie Beach Cafe on Saturday.  Perhaps fortunately, the marquee/gazebo in which the event was to be held had blown away two days previously, and the cafe staff very kindly gave us exclusive use of the welcome shelter of the cafe premises as well as providing an excellent lunch.

After warm-up coffees and 'setting out the stall' for the food swap we got down to business, chaired by treasurer Martin Sherring.

Apologies were received from trustee Rose Grant, stranded on Lewis by the cancellation of the Stornoway ferry, Sheila Currie, Wendy Price (stranded in Falkirk) and Helen Robinson.

The minutes of last year's AGM were approved unanimously.

The Convener's report from Julian Paren took a different form from the customary PowerPoint presentation.  He first asked the people responsible for or mainly involved with TBI's various activities to report briefly on them
- Project Officer Laura Donnelly spoke about the ongoing success of our flagship project the Highland Community Waste Partnership and of the Black Isle Repair Cafe;
- Julie Gibson about the Food & growing group and Potato Day;
- Anne Thomas about the painfully protracted saga of the Avoch to Munlochy active travel route;
- and Peter Moffatt about disappointing progress but improving prospects for the upgrade to the TBI website.

Julian then reported briefly on what he had done himself, highlighting the publication and launch, in conjunction with the Tourism Team, of a new edition of the Black Isle Active Travel map.

In the Treasurer's report Martin Sherring outlined a basically sound financial situation.

Moving to the election of trustees, Martin recorded disappointment that an intensive effort to attract new trustees had received no response, and reminded the meeting that additional trustees could be co-opted at any time.  The current six trustees, having stood down in accordance with the constitution but remaining elgible for re-election, were elected 'en bloc' by unanimous vote.  Those re-elected were 
Julie Gibson, Rose Grant, Peter Moffatt, Julian Paren, Martin Sherring and Anne Thomas.

This concluded the formal meeting, and there followed the food swap, as people selected from others' produce in exchange for what they had brought themselves, and conversations about all aspects of growing your own food.  Highlights were extensive discussions about the qualities and suitability for the Black Isle of a range of apple varieties, suggestions of preferred varieties for potato day, and an account of the devising and construction of a nut cracking machine by Bob Neish and Penny Edwards.

As people started to arrive for the composting workshop, an excellent soup and sandwich lunch was served.  Enormous thanks are due to cafe Manager Maru Fraser (herself stranded on Mull by the storm) and her staff, for helping to make the event not only possible, but very successful and enjoyable.



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Tuesday 2 July
19:00 H&I Hub Members' forum and Climate Festival preview
Thursday 4 July
18:30 Join the Zero Waste Food Challenge: Workshop 6 - COMPOSTING!
Saturday 6 July
15:00 Highland Palestine concert - Evanton Community Wood
Wednesday 10 July
NA      Climate Camp Scotland - Aberdeen
Saturday 13 July
NA      Cromarty Community Market
Saturday 20 July
NA      Culbokie Community Market
Saturday 27 July
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Saturday 10 August
NA      Black Isle Horticultural Society Summer Show 2024

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.