June 2011 Newsletter
John Wood
Posted 2011-06-27 14:59 (#721)
Subject: June 2011 Newsletter


Posts: 79
Location: Cromarty
Dear All,

We thought we would try to keep you up to date with what is going on on the Environmental front here on the Black Isle using a monthly newsletter to members.
We are now having a revolving convenorship as nobody was able to commit the amount of time and energy that Wendy gave. Agric Hadron has just been at the helm for 2 months. He now hands over to Penny Edwards and I take over as Vice Convenor. My main role so far is to write this and keep you all up to date. The contact address will remain convenor@transitionblackisle.org

Bridge Repairs show what can be achieved
One encouraging development is the way the bridge repairs have not led to gridlock. I cycled over on Monday expecting to be zooming past queues and it was almost empty. There was a bemused camera crew on the other side. It just shows that people can change their habits. Hopefully a proportion of those who cycled, took the train, car-shared etc will carry on doing it. Transition Black Isle is about looking at the changes that need to be made to help avert climate change and with the likelyhood that fossil fuels will become increasingly expensive and working out how to do this together. See my comment on our forum and why not join in the discussion? Give us some tips on how you manage to save energy on transport.

The North Kessock Market is this Saturday 10 till 12 and is now back in the re-vamped Village Hall, which gives us more space. It is having an eco makeover with insulation including glass brick windows, solar hot water panels and a wood fueled heating system. We are hoping to take part in the official opening later in the year and let people have a look at what has been done.
Don't forget the 'swap your stuff stall' at the market. Bring your spare veg and fruit and any seedlings you didn't have space for. Maybe swap for a book or CD. Why not take the chance to 'de-clutter' and let us have your spare stuff?
We've got Aidy giving us some culture with some classical guitar this month.
We are also offering re-fills of Bio D washing up liquid and laundry liquid. This was popular when 'Greentree' had a stall. They now have a really good shop in Strathpeffer and Transition Black Isle are going to carry on with the re-fills. Just bring any clean 1 litre bottle. Its a way to cut out the plastic and just re-use again and again right on your doorstep.

The Cromarty Market is now a regular fixture on the 2nd Saturday of the month at Victoria Hall (11.30-2.30) next market 9th July. There's no market in August as the hall was already booked but it should carry on continuously after that. Its going really well. Ferintosh Community Market (Findon Hall, Culbokie) run by the Community Council is on the third Saturday 10-12 and there is even talk of one in Avoch at least occasionally. Aoch are having their Gala this Saturday afternoon so if you have any ideas maybe go along and talk to them. The Gala starts at 1 in the community hall.
St Boniface Fair in Fortrose on 11th August is also hoping to have a bit of a Farmer's market this year. We will have a stall again.
email me if you are interested in our food group.

We still have copies of 'Our Local Larder'; our local food directory. They are being well received and they also have a guide to restaurants and cafes on the Black Isle selling local food which is proving popular with tourists. We also have our Grow North manual. £15 organisations, £10 individuals, £7 members. You can also get it from the libraries.

Gardens and allotments
Rosemarkie Allotments are going well. Muir of Ord Community Garden has quite a few new members this year, some of whom have not grown their own vegetables before and they are very enthusiastic. Culbokie Community Garden has some keen young growers from the school and cubs. It would be good if we could do some more landshare arrangements. Maybe have a look at the landshare website if you have too big a garden or other land that you're not using or you want some space to grow in, alternatively contact us and we'll try to match people up.

Energy Group
The government's 'Feed in Tariff' is making it more financially attractive to install your own renewable energy. We now have two sorts of solar panels and a small wind turbine and have a net surplus of electricity, which we sell back to the grid. See here I know of another 5 installations that have gone in this year. Well maybe I'm slightly biased as my nephew installed them, but they work and they are saving lots of CO2. Even in Scotland. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We could do with having solar panels on all south facing roofs. The Energy Saving Trust have just done a bulk buy scheme in Stratherrick and are thinking of doing the same in other areas. We have energy meters and available to loan from the markets or contact us. You can see how much electricity you are using and try to work out how to reduce this. We also have an anemometer for loan. This lets you see whether you have a site that is windy enought for a wind turbine.

I'm involved with Friends of the Earth Inverness and Ross too and we are having another Keep the Heat in Campaign day on Monday 27th, hoping to persuade local shops to get involved. We'd love to have some more volunteers. We're not having a campaign on the Black Isle, but if you know a shop that wants to join in by displaying a window sticker saying 'Keep the Heat in Campaign' get in touch. We have found lighting to be a big issue with shops and there's a few ideas about this on this website.

Education Group -We now have an education group and are hoping for a Transition Black Isle member as a contact for each school eco committee. So far we have volunteers for Culbokie, Munlochy and North Kessock, but would really like to be able to offer people for the other schools. It involves arranging to meet the eco-committee which is made up of a kid from each class and seeing what ideas the kids have and what help they'd like. Lots of the schools are growing food and some have solar panels so there's lots going on. Fortrose still has a class worth of Energy monitors and books to go with them. To join ths group email

We used some grant money to buy books for Fortrose Library on a variety of mainly energy related topics. We're now going to be adding some gardening books.

Dragon's Den
Some of us attended a 'Dragon's Den' at the Greenhouse in Dingwall. There were lots of ideas for eco businesses that could be sustainable. They have been really successful selling what would otherwise go to landfill and it makes you realise how valuable much of this stuff is. We may have our own 'Dragon's Den' and would certainly like to explore the option of getting an eco social enterprise which would generate some money going. Let us know your ideas.

Introduction to Transition
We are hoping to have a series of meetings exploring what Transition means. These are likely to take place at a local level and gather people's ideas in each place. We are still trying to work out what these will be like but we're hoping they will be Fun and involve Food!.

Any Questions or anouncements?
Why not start a discussion on our forum. http://www.transitionblackisle.org/forum/category-view.asp Or you could add a favourite recipe using local food. Or try one out.

I'll attach a general advert about us which is going into Go Green magazine. If you have a place to put it up as a poster, please do.

Next Main meeting is on 21st July at Helen Robinson's email info@transitionblackisle.org for directions.

Anne Thomas
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