TBI 10th Anniversary Ceilidh Resolis Hall 7.00

Transition Black Isle

27 September 2019, Starts: 19:00, Ends: 23:00

Help Celebrate our 10th Birthday !

Come along to a ceilidh at Resolis Memorial Hall on Friday 27th September to celebrate TBI’s 10th birthday!

We’ll have dancing to the wonderful Astar Youth Ceilidh Band – a fantastic bunch of young musicians – plus a vegetarian buffet provided by Fortrose Café.  This will be a great chance to catch up with all the wonderful people who’ve helped make the Black Isle a greener place over the last 10 years – and for folk who are interested in helping make it even better in the next decade.  What’s more, we’ve also received a grant from Scottish Communities Climate Action Network to help us celebrate – and be part of the European Day of Sustainable Communities celebrations throughout the continent! 

Doors open at 7.00 p.m, and the band will strike up at 7.30.  We will provide food, but bring whatever you want to drink.  Admission is £12, or £8 for under 16s/ concessions.  Space is limited!  To book, email Martin Sherring at martin@pennyandmartin.co.uk.

Read an article by TBI Director Martin Sherring about TBI's first ten years and current activities.


Website report

TBI celebrates successful first 10 years

Transition Black Isle's 10th anniversary ceilidh went with a swing at Resolis Memorial Hall last Friday evening, and although we would have liked to see more people crowding the doors, those who came obviously enjoyed themselves and made the evening a successful celebration of ten years' achievement by TBI.  Excellent music was provided by the Astar Youth Ceilidh Band, and equally excellent catering by the Fortrose Cafe. 

During the interval TBI director Anne Thomas and former directors Wendy Price and John Wood, all of whom were prime movers in the setting up of TBI in 2009, spoke about the organisation's beginnings and some of its activities over the years. 

After the event John Wood commented

"I’m just really happy TBI is still going after 10 years! It has done some great things. I think the markets are a big success. I hope it finds new projects to get its teeth into and that it will renew itself and keep up the good work for another 10 at least!"

In her summary of the evening TBI Convenor Julie Gibson said

"'Resilience' came to mind as we prepared for TBI's 10th birthday ceilidh celebration at Resolis Hall, when there was a torrential cloudburst and downpour and water literally poured into the hall kitchen corner through an expelaire vent.  We mopped up and carried on with the preparations.

"Community resilience in the face of now undeniable climate change will be important as we tackle how to cope with its impact.  And ceilidhs are one example of good Scottish community builders, as we saw in the unfolding evening of good music, good local food and good company and dancing, as long standing and newer TBI members came together to celebrate these first 10 years of  'making sure the Black Isle thrives for future generations' (from current flyer)."

Thanks are due particularly to TBI director Martin Sherring for his leading role in organising the event, to Scottish Communities Climate Action Network for a grant towards the costs, and to all the TBI members and friends who helped with the preparations and on the night.

The Astar Youth Ceilidh Band                                                                 


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Friday 27 September
10:00 Abernethy Forest visit - RSPB and Scottish Forestry
Saturday 28 September
NA      H&I Hub Hopeful Futures weekend
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Sunday 29 September
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Tuesday 1 October
18:00 Zero Food Waste Challenge - Batch Cooking Workshop
Saturday 5 October
12:00 Go Flourish garden open day
Tuesday 8 October
NA      Zero Food Waste Challenge - Make Your Own Fakeaway Pizza Workshop
Saturday 12 October
NA      Cromarty Community Market

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.