TBI 2018 AGM and social Glachbeg

Transition Black Isle

27 November 2018, Starts: 19:00

TBI AGM and Shared Food Social

Seventeen members and guests attended his year’s AGM which took place on Tuesday 27th November 2018 at Glachbeg Croft Education Centre.

Vice Convenor Martin Sherring opened the meeting and presented the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2017, which were approved unanimously.

Julie Gibson, TBI Convenor, presented an illustrated report reviewing the year's activities, and paid tribute to former director David Reid, who died after a short illness earlier in the year.  Treasurer Julian Paren summarised TBI's healthy financial situation, represented by a cash reserve of over £23,000, and pointed out the scope this offered for new projects and activities if members were willing to undertake and pursue them.

Under the terms of the constitution all the current directors then stood down, and all offered themselves for re-election with the exception of Wendy Price.  Wendy, a founder member of TBI, former Convenor and for many years Chair of the Comms Group, had recently moved with her husband to Inverness, and while standing down as a director, hoped to continue to be involved with TBI as an associate member.  Anne Thomas, a fellow founder member, thanked Wendy for her many years of dedicated work for TBI, and the Convenor presented her with a 'parchment' scroll certificate in recognition of her service.

Martin then proposed a single vote to re-elect all the directors who were standing again, and this was passed unanimously.  The directors thus elected for the following year were  Sheila Currie, Julie Gibson, Vanessa Halhead, Peter Moffatt, Julian Paren, Martin Sherring and Anne Thomas.

The formal meeting was then closed, and the remainder of the evening spent in conversation and the enjoyment of an excellent 'pot luck' supper to which everyone had contributed.



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Friday 27 September
10:00 Abernethy Forest visit - RSPB and Scottish Forestry
Saturday 28 September
NA      H&I Hub Hopeful Futures weekend
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Sunday 29 September
NA      H&I Hub Hopeful Futures weekend
Tuesday 1 October
18:00 Zero Food Waste Challenge - new workshop series
Saturday 5 October
12:00 Go Flourish garden open day
Tuesday 8 October
NA      Zero Food Waste Challenge - new workshop series
Saturday 12 October
NA      Cromarty Community Market

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.